
If you have news, a meeting, community event, or resource you would like to share, please submit it online (registration is required).

August 30, 2023  

Caregiver Satisfaction Survey 2024

We at Partners for Kids and Families are committed to providing quality services.  In our continuing effort to better serve you and your family, we would appreciate you taking a few moments to complete the following survey.  Your input is valuable and will enable us to evaluate and serve you better in the future.

August 30, 2023  

Youth Satisfaction Survey 2024

We at Partners for Kids and Families are committed to providing quality services.  In our continuing effort to better serve you and your family, we would appreciate you taking a few moments to complete the following survey.  Your input is valuable and will enable us to evaluate and serve you better in the future.

February 4, 2020

Corporate Compliance Plan

Download the flyer to review our Corporate Compliance letter or go to our website to view the complete plan and relevant policies on our agency.